Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sensuous Gratitude

Sensuous Gratitude

While I have discussed how Sensuous Gratitude can keep you focused on the Law of Attraction, I have to remind myself of the story behind the story. This is your chance to get a free copy of my new ebook called "The Law of Attraction through Sensuous Gratitude"

Before I was able to get to that "being clear" stage in my life I needed to unload a few things. In my ebook "The Law of Attraction through Sensuous Gratitude" I discuss that in two very personal stories that did in fact "clear the path".

Two personal stories, one about being grateful and the other called "Forgiveness to Freedom". And as you will discover, it's the "Forgiveness to Freedom" story, a very personal true story, that is at the heart of everything in this ebook.

Nothing will unburden you more quickly and effectively than when you can completely understand and surrender to the absolute power of forgiveness. If you are struggling with that forgiveness beast, then I think you will see how your life will change when you read my personal story. It changed my life forever.

Just by joining my free "Sensuous Gratitude" newsletter (top right of this page), I will immediately send you a free copy of my new ebook "The law of Attraction through Sensuous Gratitude".

From My Soul to Yours,

Mike Perras